React Router and Redux

React Router and Redux

Microsoft DEV282x-LAAS


Learn how to add routing and state management to your application using React Router and Redux.

Have you ever wondered how complex React applications are created? React by itself is pretty bareboned and doesn't come with a lot of features outside of its core functionality. Third party libraries such as React Router and Redux are used to add additional functionality to your React application.

React Router offers a simple solution for handling routing. You can use it to dynamically change your application UI based on the current URL.

Redux offers a great solution for organizing changes to your application state. It does so by using a method of dispatching actions that modify the current state.

By the end of this course you will learn how to use React Router and Redux to enhance your React application and make it more scalable.


Proficient understanding of React.js

Was du lernen wirst

  • Handle routing using React Router
  • Simplify state management using Redux
  • Integrate Redux with an existing React application

Was enthalten ist

Module 1: React Router

This module covers how to handle routing using React Router. You will learn how to dynamically change your application UI based on the current URL.

Module 2: Redux

This module covers how to simplify state management using Redux. You will learn how to organize your application data by dispatching actions that modify your application state.

Module 3: React and Redux

This module covers how to integrate Redux into an existing React application. You will learn how to access your data from a Redux store instead of passing down your state down from component to component.

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React Router and Redux

Module 1


React Router and Redux

Microsoft DEV282x
Open edX
30 Tage

Have you ever wondered how complex React applications are created? React by itself is pretty bareboned and doesn't come with a lot of features outside of its core functionality. Third party libraries such as React Router and Redux are used to add additional functionality to your React application.

React Router offers a simple solution for handling routing. You can use it to dynamically change your application UI based on the current URL.

Redux offers a great solution for organizing changes to your application state. It does so by using a method of dispatching actions that modify the current state.

By the end of this course you will learn how to use React Router and Redux to enhance your React application and make it more scalable.

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